Peracetic acid is an environmentally safe and versatile anti-microbial agent and a powerful antioxidant
Very effective cleaner for sticky Oily and Greasy mess, Fully active cleaner specially formulated for the removal of tuff oily stains residues, with out the need for Scrubbing or Brushing which can cause mechanical damages to surface and result in poor
Non Ionic Surfactant having very good Degreasering Emulsifying Property.
Very effective cleaner for sticky Oily and Greasy mess, Fully active cleaner specially formulated for the removal of tuff oily stains residues, with out the need for Scrubbing or Brushing which can cause mechanical damages to surface and result in poor
It is a strong water based alkaline cleaner primarily designed to provide numerous cleaning applications including hold cleaning and general degreasing
It has excellent solvency power to most organic chemicals and materials. Also deals in fully tested and specified all types of CHLORINATED SOLVENT like Methylene Chloride, Perchloro Ethylene and Trichloroethylene, CPW.
A well balanced blend of non-chlorinated degresol ( Having super Degreasing power ) with surfactants which eliminates Quick evaporation rate and resulting for Cleaningand Degreasing of electrical equipment.It provides immediate and efficient removal with a high evaporation rate.