Antimony ingots
Antimony ingots are primarily used as an alloying agent to harden other metals

Belonza 1212
A 2 part surface tolerant epoxy composite engineered specifically for in situ application to wet oil contaminated and underwater surfaces.

Galva Flux ZAC
zinc ammonium chloride galvanizing flux

Aluminium 34
Aluminium shots and knotch bars are used as deoxidiser in steel plants

Cutting Oil
RXSOL CUTTING OIL is a special blend of solvents and oils, designed to assist in the operation of cutting threading or drilling metals. The product exhibit good cooling properties and oxidation stability. Because of it's clarity the operator can see the cutting interface more easily

Molten Salt
Salt inhibited with the corrosion inhibitor resulting corrosion protection, as well as efficient heat transfer.

NC Auto Lacquer Clear
Thinner Lacquer

Iron(II)chloride tetrahydrateisusedas a reducing agent in metallurgy, in pharmaceutical preparations, as a mordant in dyeing and in sewage treatment. ... It is the precursor to hydratediron(III) oxides that are magnetic pigments.

Lead Oxide PbO
Litharge is also known as Lead Oxide or Lead Monoxide. Litharge is a secondary mineral and it is a red or yellow crystalline powder

Heavy Duty Acidic CIP Detergent Descaler
It is highly effective at removing inorganic scale deposits.