Mud Drilling Detergent RXSOL ORG DD
It is designed to reduce the surface tension of all water-base mud systems and reduce the sticking tendency of water-sensitive shale cuttings.
It is designed to reduce the surface tension of all water-base mud systems and reduce the sticking tendency of water-sensitive shale cuttings.
RXSOL ORG DD has application in all drilling areas and can be used in virtually any water-base drilling fluid. It is used primarily in upper-hole drilling to minimize bit and Bottom-Hole Assembly (BHA) balling, reduce surface tension, and aid in dropping sand and the removal of drill solids. It may be used as an emulsifier at any point in the drilling operation to improve emulsification of oil and reduce the viscosity of oil- contaminated fluids. RXSOL ORG DD frequently reduces torque and drag, even when no oil is present in the system.
Normal treatments range from 0.1 to 0.2 lb/bbl (0.3 to 0.6 kg/m3) and provide satisfactory performance under most conditions. In severegumbo shale areas, 4 to 6 lb/bbl (11.4 to 17 kg/m3) concentrations of RXSOL ORG Drilling Detergent are recommended to minimize bit and BHA balling; higher concentrations may cause foaming and require a defoamer. RXSOL ORG DD is effective in all water-base systems including freshwater, brackish water, seawater and saturated saltwater fluids.
Advantages :
- Minimizes bit and BHA balling
- Reduces the surface tension of the liquid phase, helping to drop sand and remove drill solids
- Improves water-wetting action on all solids and reduces the sticking tendency of reactive shale cuttings
- Functions as an emulsifier, reducing the viscosity of oil-contaminated fluids
- Effective in all water-base mud
Typical Physical Properties:
Physical appearance :Light Pale Brown liquid
Specific gravity :1.01-1.02
pH (1% solution) :8.2
Solubility in water :100%
Freezing point :32°F (0°C)
Mud Drilling Detergent RXSOL ORG DD manufacturer and supplier in India UAE Middle East Oman, Dubai, Sharjah, Abudhabi, Ajman, Muscat Barka Sohar Oman, Mumbai, Kolkata, Kakinada, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Gandhidham Surat, Hazira, Sudan, Yemen
5. Emulsion Stability Test: To 485 ml of distilled water, add 15 ml of HSD oil slowly while stirring in a multimixer and then add to it 1 ml. of the sample. Stir further for 15 minutes in the multimixer for formation of emulsion. Transfer the contents to 500 ml. measuring cylinder and observe phase separation of the mixture which should be as follows:
(i) Immediate separation of HSD oil should be nil.
(ii) Separation of HSD oil after 24 hrs. at room temperature should not be more than 5 ml.
6. Mud Lubricity Coefficient: Prepare a 10-cp bentonite suspension by dilution of prehydrated bentonite suspension (OIL approved bentonite) and treat it with 0.5 %(v/v) of the sample and stir it for 15 minutes in a multimixer. Determine lubricity coefficient of the suspension in a lubricity tester. Lubricity co-efficient should not be more than 0.20
7. Foaming tendency test: Prepare 0.10% (v/v) solution of the sample in distilled water Stir the solution for 10 minutes in a multimixer. Transfer the content immediately to a measuring cylinder. Allow it to stand for 15 minutes and then measure the total volume of content along with foam. Calculate percent increase in volume due to foaming. Increase in volume should not be more than 5.00%