Enbiozyme Aqua S RX
Enbiozyme Aqua S RX

Enbiozyme Aqua E RX
Enbiozyme Aqua E RX

Polyacrylate Dispersant
Low and narrow molecular weight polyacrylate having a sodium cation.

Silicone Fluid Emulsion 40
Silicone Fluid Emulsion 40 RXSOL is a 40 percent emulsion of medium viscosity polydimethylsiloxane, using a nonionic surfactant system. It has been designed for use in many applications including automotive care, polishes, industrial release and textile lubricants.

Potassium Alum
Potassium alum is commonly used in water purification, Leather Tanning, Dyeing, Fireproof Textiles, and Baking Powder.

Partial Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide PHPA
Is a co polymer of anionic character and high molecular weight

Colourless water-soluble salts that give strongly alkaline solutions

Iron(II)chloride tetrahydrateisusedas a reducing agent in metallurgy, in pharmaceutical preparations, as a mordant in dyeing and in sewage treatment. ... It is the precursor to hydratediron(III) oxides that are magnetic pigments.

Sewage sanitary disinfectant
Disinfection aims to reduce the risk of transmission of waterborne diseases,

Cationic Polyacrylamide Flocculant
Polyacrylamide Flocculant to be used as flocculant in direct filtration process for settling of inorganic suspended solids, effluent water.