Acidifier Poultry Feed Supplement
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Acidifier Poultry Feed Supplement prevent bacterial contamination of feed against Salmonella, E.Coli etc
Product Description:
Acidifier Poultry Feed Supplement prevent bacterial contamination of feed against Salmonella, E.Coli etc. RXSOL Acidifier Poultry Feed Supplement Unique combination of short chain fatty acids and their organic salts, Prolonged efficacy against bacteria and moulds
Product Application:
RXSOL Acidifier Poultry Feed Supplement Broad Spectrum mould inhibitor with blend of pure organic acids prevent bacterial contamination of feed against Salmonella & E.Coli.
Product Procedure:
Moisture Percentage in feed Inclusion Rate (g/MT of Feed)
Below 15% 1000 g
15-17% 1500 g
More than 17% 2000 g
Product Note:
Reduce mould growth & eliminates microbial contamination from feed
Ensure long term action on raw materials and processed feed, even after heating
Prevent Feed Spoilage or recontamination
Prolong shelf life and storage of feed
Product Technical Specification:
Product pack size:
Get Poultry Feed Acidifier, Packaging Type: Bags, Packaging Size: 20kg/25 kg at best price in India, Dubai UAE, Muscat Oman.
Product alias:
Use of acidifiers in poultry diet are very common practice now a days. Acidifiers are proven its importance as alternative antibiotic growth promotor( AGP) which may partially or fully replace AGP depending upon purpose. However, over the years designing of proper feed acidifier to get optimal result becoming an art.Therefore, use of proper combination of organic and inorganic acids along with value added ingredients like saponin which works as anti- ammonia compound could be perfect acidifier as a part of gut hygiene as well as feed hygiene.
The acidifiers could be used to favourably manipulate the intestinal microbial populations and improve the immune response, hence perform an activity similar to antibiotics in food animals in countering pathogenic bacteria.It has been observed increased feed intake, growth, carcass yield. Acetic acid and lactic acid enhance body weight in birds. Acidifiers also improve the digestibility of nutrients and increase the absorption of minerals. The utilization of acidifiers also promotes economic benefits of higher feed efficiency, improved daily gain leading to reduction in feed costs.
To overcome problem of antibiotic residue in poultry meat and to improve feed performance RXSOL launched unique combination of acidifier, mould inhibitor,and antifungal feed additive RXSOL Acidifier. It contains blend of organic acid, inorganic acids, saponin- allicin, Shatavari and Thymol. RXSOL Acidifier contains –
Fumaric Acid – Improves digestibility of nutrients, improved growth, immune response, anti-oxidantstatus, digestive enzyme, intestinal health.
Benzoic Acid – Lowering no of Pathogenic bacteria, campylobacter, E. coli, Listeria monocytogens and salmonella.
Formic Acid – It is added to limit /Prevent growth of salmonella sp. and food borne bacteria and GIT.
Lactic Acid – Positive influence on performance of broilers improving body weight and feed conversion ratio.
Malic Acid – Improves microbial safety regards to campylobacter.
Propionic Acid- is fungicide and bactericide -control fungi and bacteria stored in grains, poultry litter, drinking water for poultry.
RXSOL Acidifier helps maintaining beneficial microflora in digestive tract by antagonistic activity and competitive exclusion. RXSOL Acidifier produces several bactericidal substances that kill disease producing organism. It also makes gut acidic so useful bacteria like lactobacillus get attached to intestinal villi and prevent attachment of harmful bacteria e.g., E. coli and salmonella. RXSOL Acidifier used to favourable manipulate intestinal microbial population and immune response. It performs activity similar to antibiotic in countering pathogenic bacteria -along with blend of organic acid, inorganic acids, allicin, Shatavari, and saponin- Thymol. Their apparent actions include improved feed hygiene, lowering of gastric pH and inhibition of pathogens without affecting the beneficial bacteria, stimulation of pancreatic secretions and energy source during intermediary metabolism, enhanced nutrient digestibility, improved growth performance and immunity. Inclusion of citric acid in at the level resulted a better productive performance and higher profits in broiler chickens. Citric acid used in to promote growth by acidifying the gastrointestinal contents, improving nutrient digestibility, and reducing pathogen loads.
RXSOL ACIDIFIER is an Effective salmonella inhibitor.
TYPE 1. RXSOL ACIDIFIER Animal feed supplement Liquid :
Major COMPOSITION: Ammonium formate, Ammonium propionate, Formic acid & Propionic acid
DOSAGE : 1 - 2 ltrs per ton of feed
PACKING : 1 ltr, 5 ltrs
TYPE 2. RXSOL ACIDIFIER Animal feed supplement Powder :
TYPE 2. RXSOL ACIDIFIER Animal feed supplement Powder :
Major COMPOSITION: Formic acid, Citric acid, Propionic acid, Lactic acid, Essential oils in a micro encapsulated and free form
Hindgut and Faeces
Hindgut and Faeces
Removes toxic metabolites
Improves litter consistency= less wet droppings Stomach
Decreases pH
Activates pepsin
Optimizes protein digestion
In Small Intestine -
Increases intestinal enzyme activity
Optimizes nutrient absorption
Reduces harmful bacteria
Improves feed stability
Better feed quality
Improves egg shell quality
Lowers bacterial count
Poultry (Broiler, Breeder and Layer) : 2 to 3 Kg / MT of Feed (Without AGP) and 0.5 to 1 Kg/ MT of feed (With AGP)
Fish : 2 Kg/ MT of feed
Pig : 2 Kg/ MT of Feed
TYPE 3. SALRID TYPE Animal Feed Grade Acidifier
TYPE 3. SALRID TYPE Animal Feed Grade Acidifier
RXSOL ACIDIFIER is an effective Feed Grade Acidifier and it is a blend of highly effective and potent inorganic and organic acids in a highly adsorbent base of selected clays. The product is non-corrosive and is free flowing.
Each Kg contains:
Orthophosphoric acid
Calcium formate
Calcium propionate
Citric acid
Excipients:Limestone Powder
RXSOL ACIDIFIER lowers the feed pH, in the GIT and also inside the pathogenic cells.
When the pH is lowered in the stomach, pepsin activity is enhanced and this also increases the digestibility of nitrogen, phosphorus and minerals. ACIDIFIER works against pathogens is mainly based on the reduction of pH but also on the action of the not dissociated acid.
1. Un-dissociated acid enters bacterial cell
2. Dissociation of proton, leading to pH reduction
3. Expulsion of proton by energy-demanding process
4. Inhibitory effect of acid anion on DNA
Reduced mortality
Reduces buffering capacity of feed
Improved digestibility of nutrients
Improved FCR
Higher daily growth rate
Antimicrobial effect
1Kg per ton of feed
Store in a cool and dry place. Store away from sunlight