RXSOL 14 (Heat & Water Scale Remover)
RXSOL 14 will remove rust, heat treatment scale and welding scale from ferrous metals simply and economically.
RXSOL 14 is a blend of mineral acid, surfactants and inhibitors. RXSOL 14 will remove rust, heat treatment scale and welding scale from ferrous metals simply and economically. Before operating the process described it is important that this complete document, together with any relevant Safety Data sheets, be read and understood.
Immersion Type Heat & water scale remover.
Testing chemicals required
Indicator solution :phenolphthalein
Testing solution : 0.1N sodium hydroxide solution
Method of control
Restore the volume of the tank to its original level, if necessary, by adding water. Thoroughly mix and take a sample of 50-100ml. After allowing to cool to ambient, pipette 25ml into a 250ml volumetric flask. Make up to the mark with distilled water. Pipette 10ml of this solution into an Erlenmeyer flask and add 5-10 drops of Indicator solution No.1. Titrate against Testing solution No.1 to a pink end-point. Record the volume used as (V).The bath strength is calculated as follows:
Strength (vol% ARDROX 14) = V x 1.4
Effects on materials
RXSOL 14 is inhibited against attack on steel. It will rapidly attack aluminium, zinc, magnesium and cadmium.
Where heavy rust and scale are to be removed, RXSOL 14 may be used as supplied. Usually concentrations ranging from 3 parts RXSOL 14 plus 17 parts water to 1 part RXSOL 14 plus 1 part water are adequate. (Parts indicated to be by volume).
The preferred operating temperature is 20 - 30°C. Temperatures in excess of 50°C should not be used.
Components to be treated should be degreased, if necessary, before being immersed in RXSOL 14. Fume extraction is required over tanks of RXSOL14. After treatment in RXSOL14, components should be thoroughly rinsed and de-watering fluid such as RXSOL 1854 applied to give protection from corrosion.
Equipment materials
Polythene, polypropylene and unplasticised PVC are suitable materials for tank construction. Stainless steel and mild steel are not suitable.
Safety guidance
Before operating the process described it is important that this complete document, together with any relevant Safety Data sheets, be read and understood.
General information
Rx Marine International supplies a wide range of chemical products and associated equipment for cleaning, sanitising, descaling, paint and carbon removal, metal protection and non-destructive testing. Sales Executives are available to advise on specific problems and applications.
Labour and environmental protection
All local and national regulations on the transport, storage, use and waste treatment of chemicals in concentrated or diluted form and as working solutions must be obeyed. Further specific information on the products can be found in the EC Safety Data Sheets supplied. The user should also pay strict attention to information and hazard symbols shown on product labels.
Waste disposal
All waste waters must be treated in accordance with national legislation and local regulations prior to discharge to the sewer.
Appearance: Pale straw coloured liquid.
Density: 1.1 g/ml at 200C.
Flash point: Non-flammable.
These are typical values only and do not constitute a specification.
Store under normal conditions with the containers tightly closed.
RXSOL 14 (Heat & Water Scale Remover) manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah, UAE, Gulf, Middle East, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of RXSOL 14 (Heat & Water Scale Remover) at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of RXSOL 14 (Heat & Water Scale Remover) in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.