Information about ballast tank cleaner here. Information about ballast tank cleaner here. Information about ballast tank cleaner here. Information about ballast tank cleaner here.

ECO Chlor Biological Guard Antifouling
Anti fungal based dispersing cleaner for the control of fouling by marine growth such as algae, shellfish, mussels, barnacles and micro-organisms and fungal growth in the sea water side of coolings systems. Due to its moleculer firm foaming properties, it

Pure Treat BWT
A POWERFULL corrosive preventive to prevent corrosion from seawater in ship BALLAST TANK. It contains organic and inorganic inhibitors.

Dichlor is a chlorine compound used to purify swimming pool and spa water. Its full name is sodium dichloro s triazinetrione or dichloroisocyanuric acid.

SMBS Used as a disinfectant, antioxidant and preservative agent. It is used as a cleaning agent for potable water reverse osmosis membranes in desalination systems. It is also used to remove chloramine from drinking water after treatment. Also used in printing and dyeing and dechlorination of text

Sodium Bisulphite 40 Percent Solution
Dechlorination product which is frequently used in municipal wastewater, pulp & paper, power, and textile water treatment plants and as a Oxygen scavenger in Boiler water treatment. Also popular for preservative in photo developer process and Food additive.

Chlorine Dioxide
Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound with the formula ClO₂ that is used as a bleach, disinfectant, and antimicrobial agent

Sodium Thiosulfate Pentahydrate Solution
Sodium Thiosulfate Pentahydrate Dechlorination Solution. 200 LTR equal to 250 Kg Liquid

SMBS Ballast Guard
SMBS Used as a disinfectant, antioxidant and preservative agent. It is used as a cleaning agent for potable water reverse osmosis membranes in desalination systems. It is also used to remove chloramine from drinking water after treatment. Also used in printing and dyeing and dechlorination of text

Enviro Guard Sulfite
Removal of chlorine, After 25 seconds of contact, catalyzed sodium sulfite removed the chlorine content in a Ballast Water Treatment System. Most commonly used to reduce the residual chlorine

Sodium Dichlorocynurate Granules
RXSOL Calcium Hypochlorite is a widely used chlorine compound that is highly effective against bacteria, algae, slime, fungi and other harmful and objectionable micro-organisms.