DPD Tablet No 3
DPD Tablet No 3

Chemical product

Chemical product

Cheimical test

Calcium Hardness Test Kit
Metal indicator complexes red indicator to Blue colour changes VERY SIMPLE to TEST

Molybdate Test Kit
Kit reagents react with Molybdate to form a yellow color which is measured with a color disc.

Carbohydrazide Test KIT
The test develops a peach-pink colored complex within 1 minute that is then matched to a color comparator.

DPD Powder
A reagent that reacts with disinfectants like chlorine, chloramines, chlorine dioxide, and ozone to create a pink solution

TRO Calibration Kit
TRO Calibration Kit

Conductivity Standard 10000µs
The 100uS/cm conductivity solution allows calibration of instruments with a conductivity scale of up to 200 uS/cm for the measurement of pure or distilled water.